Schools With JMG
JMG has over 150 programs serving more than 12,000 students annually. We believe in our students and their capabilities as future leaders for Maine. We partner with public education to ensure all Maine students graduate, attain post-secondary credentials, and pursue meaningful careers. Together we help students reach their fullest potential and achieve their goals.
Brewer Community School - Brewer
Bucksport Middle School - Bucksport
China Middle School - South China
Durham Community School - Durham
Freeport Middle School - Freeport Gardiner Regional Middle School - Gardiner
James F Doughty School - Bangor
Lewiston Middle School - Lewiston
Messalonskee Middle School - Oakland
Mount View Middle School - Thorndike
Nokomis Regional Middle School - Newport Philip W Sugg Middle School - Lisbon Falls
Ridge View Community School - Dexter
Rose Gaffney Elementary School - Machias
Sanford Middle School - Sanford
Skowhegan Area Middle School - Skowhegan South Portland Middle School - South Portland
Troy Howard Middle School - Belfast
Vassalboro Community School - Vassalboro
Warsaw Middle School - Pittsfield
Waterville Jr. High School - Waterville
Windham Middle School - Windham
Winslow Junior High - Winslow
Bangor High School - Bangor
Belfast Area High School - Belfast
Biddeford High School - Biddeford
Bonny Eagle High School - Standish
Brewer High School - Brewer
Bucksport High School - Bucksport
Calais High School - Calais
Caribou High School - Caribou
Carrabec High School - North Anson
Cony High School - Augusta
Deering High School - Portland
Dexter Regional High School - Dexter
Dirigo High School - Dixfield
Edward Little High School - Auburn
Ellsworth High School - Ellsworth
Erskine Academy - South China
Fort Fairfield Middle and High School - Fort Fairfield
Fort Kent Community High School - Fort Kent
Foxcroft Academy - Dover-Foxcroft
Freeport High School - Freeport
Gardiner Area High School - Gardiner
Gorham High School - Gorham
Hall-Dale High School - Farmingdale
Hampden Academy - Hampden
Hodgdon High School - Hodgdon
Houlton High School - Houlton
Lawrence High School - Fairfield
Leavitt Area High School - Turner
Lewiston Regional Technical Center - Lewiston
Lisbon High School - Lisbon
Machias Memorial High School - Machias
Madison Area High School - Madison
Maine Central Institute - Pittsfield
Maranacook Community High School - Readfield Mattanawcook Academy - Lincoln Medomak Valley High School - Waldoboro
Messalonskee High School - Oakland
Monmouth Academy - Monmouth
Morse High School - Bath
Mount View High School - Thorndike
Mountain Valley High School - Rumford
Mt. Ararat High School - Topsham
Mt. Blue High School - Farmington
Narraguagus Jr./Sr. High School - Harrington
Nokomis Regional High School - Newport
Oak Hill High School - Wales
Oceanside High School - Rockland
Old Town High School - Old Town
Orono High School - Orono
Penquis Valley High School - Milo
Piscataquis Community Secondary School - Guilford
Poland Regional High School - Poland
Portland High School - Portland Presque Isle High School - Presque Isle
Richmond High School - Richmond
Sanford High School - Sanford
Searsport High School - Searsport
Skowhegan Area High School - Skowhegan
South Portland High School - South Portland
Spruce Mountain High School - Jay
Telstar High School - Bethel
Thornton Academy - Saco
Washington Academy - East Machias
Waterville Senior High School - Waterville
Westbrook High School - Westbrook
Windham High School - Windham
Winslow High School - Winslow
Woodland Jr./Sr. High School - Baileyville Yarmouth High School - Yarmouth
Central Maine Community College
Eastern Maine Community College
Kennebec Valley Community College Northern Maine Community College
Southern Maine Community College Washington County Community College York County Community College
Thomas College University of Maine
University of Maine at Augusta University of Maine at Farmington
University of Maine at Fort Kent
University of Maine at Machias University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of Southern Maine
Our Alums’ Journeys: Personal Stories of Success with JMG
JMG Alums’ Kelsey Pinkham and Shawn Roderick share how JMG supported and believed in them to achieve their goals and aspirations.
JMG Alum Ryan Harnden and JMG Regional Director Penson Bartlett share their “Specialist and Me” story. Hear Ryan’s JMG journey and how his relationship with Penson shaped his perspective and success.